Friday, March 26, 2010

shell we dance japan

In this movie there is a jappan binnes man who gase a diser to len how to dans. he end up taking a clss where ha make good frens and fins a danse parnter wheh he can shere his new love of dans for.

In the movie it show whoe plite the people are in jappan people are in there cont there customs and haw they live. It show how they are hared wprke.

I would give this move a 1 out of five is is mosly boring but it hav=s a littal bit of humer in it.

1 comment:

  1. James, the most important way to comment on these movies is through cultural connections and comparisons. Keep up the good work and emphasize these points. I can read your writing just fine! best, Canelake
