Friday, March 26, 2010

shell we dance japan

In this movie there is a jappan binnes man who gase a diser to len how to dans. he end up taking a clss where ha make good frens and fins a danse parnter wheh he can shere his new love of dans for.

In the movie it show whoe plite the people are in jappan people are in there cont there customs and haw they live. It show how they are hared wprke.

I would give this move a 1 out of five is is mosly boring but it hav=s a littal bit of humer in it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

please vote for me

This movie take plase in china. It take palse in a school where there have 3 grader at the age of 8 vote for a class rome manger. This is a new consept to the kides they dont even now what the wored domcrace mens.

In the move the chliden take differn aprche to win. the littal girl is nice but shish, one boy tres to mnpulat his whay to the to but the winer is the boy that gave the class givts to all the kids. he brbed his way to the top.

This move also show how the chinf=e are varey comunst the boy hiw wins is stetc and like a comunst. It give us a look into a the clind of the chins there is a rule in ching that its that you can only have one kind so all the chlider are spoled and are atenchon hoges. they wont to be the monter to get atchon. I wond giv this move 1.5 saters out of 5 is is an ok move not to long but setlin interting but not that eaxtin but ok.

Friday, March 19, 2010

gran torino

In this move there is a old ventom veteron who is live next to an asion family. he become frend with the chleden for the frmely how are conte,ty thered by gngs. he hels the sofor the famly. he is not that close to his family and regets us.

In the movie the son thao is being recude by the gan and is supost to setel walt (cilnt eastwoods ) car but he dont soces in the end walt becoms frens with thrm and hel him to man up and to not jon the gang. by scrfisy his life for thao and his siter sur who was rapped by the gan.
This movie show us a cutarl consho to moung clurt and gang. to see the life of a youn mung man tring to live life withoue gangs.

I would recond this move to some won ehow wonts to see a good acting job by clint estwood but not by the rest of the coter they where sos so. but to would give the movie a 3.5 out of 5 stell a good movie. not gert but good. well riten.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Betrayal

This movie is about story of one man and his war-torn family, across continents, decades, and cultures, with the director remarkably along through 24 tumultuous years. A documaent about a famley of luashion inagernts That are forced out of there countery and end up in new york with 2 othrt familys. the move take plase over 20 years.

This movie show us a viuw in the live of a young man woh has move to the us but has 2 famly and it tells us all bout his live it show us what a ingare live is like come from a nother cotney it was intersting.

I would reomed that you see this move it waas intering and you need to see this move it is good it give you a new perpctive on what your live is.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

like stars on earth india

In this move there is a chiled named ishann who is dislaxic but dues not now it. He is punssed dayliy for not bering able to reed right or spell. His fother sedis him to a bording school where he meats Ram shankar Nikumbh How relises the problem with the boy and hleps the boy to overcom it the beats he can.

The boy becomes deprest after being punished overe and overe agan no matere how hared he treis to seppel he cand do it. THe movie is inprashonal a look into a nother live. I can relat to The movie myself being dilaxic Having a harted time reeding and riting. Noeing how frustrting it can be where you are tring to do somthing and you arent abel to do it will avereone arewond you is ablet to with ease. Have to work hared to imporover my riting skiles. I rember when I would misks up me b ANSd d Riting them bacwaored like the boy in the movie.

Thies move alsow give us a view in the live of and indon boy how inporten school is to there coulter and how inportn the gared are and how you do in class. It is differ for hpow are school are in the us but that are still simalertis in them.

In the end of the movie the boy has lived are harets and mad up feel good about what htis boy has ovecome to be recinsed by his peras techer and his parents. and will know live his life with fun and respect.

The cast
Darsheel Safary ... Ishaan Awasthi

Aamir Khan ... Ram Shankar Nikumbh
Tanay Chheda ... Rajan Damodaran
Sachet Engineer ... Yohan Awasthi

Tisca Chopra ... Maya Awasthi

Vipin Sharma ... Nandkishore Awasthi

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chak De! India

This movie is a bout a indianin wommen hocky team that is coched by an ex men hochy plare that is tring to redem him self for losing the world champinship 7 yeras a go. I that that the movie was a good movie with lost of suspense.

In the move the choch has to take a bunch of wommen for differnt partes of inda and make them into a team.